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    Home Social Responsibilities Gratia Christian College
    Gratia Christian College

    Message from the President, Dr H S CHUI, JP

    Education is vital to the prosperity of a country and thedevelopment and well-being of a person. Under the context of theknowledge-based economy and globalization, education plays an ever more pivotalrole to a country and a person. In the past two decades, there has been aninternational trend of education restructuring with a view of improving thequality of education itself in many countries. Hong Kong is no exception.Several international conferences on the development of education in the lastdecade have drawn a similar conclusion: Every international city has to improvethe quality of education provided for its citizens and increase the universityparticipation rate of its citizens in order to sustain its own competitivenessin the global village. A person has to embrace lifelong learning in order tosurvive in the present and future environment. The above conclusion can be seenas the backdrop of the policy in Hong Kong to have introduced the newlylaunched 334 academic curriculum and increased the sub-degree programmesrapidly in the last decade.

    In response to the need of Hong Kong as an international city,Gratia College was initially registered with the Education Bureau under Cap 279as a Christian College on 12 July 2013. On 13 July 2015, Gratia ChristianCollege has been registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (CAP320) as an approved degree granting institute. The ultimate goal is to become aprivate and independent Christian University aiming at providing qualityeducation for nurturing elites and contributing to the prosperity of Hong Kong.Based on Christian values and the teaching of the Bible, Gratia ChristianCollege zeroes in on developing knowledgeable servant leaders with Christiancharacter and attitude.

    From my previous working experience and research in the field ofeducation, I have observed and am convinced that every student can achieveremarkable value-added performance, provided that he or she has the rightattitude towards life, and stands the chance of studying in a school withoutstanding teachers and excellent school culture.

    Gratia Christian College aims high. Our vision is to groomstudents to continuously achieve all-round, value-added performance incharacter, attitude, as well as academic achievements. Praise the Lord, we areblessed to have a team of very outstanding teachers with proven track recordsto join the College. With the programmes to be offered, we aim at nurturingstudents to become knowledgeable professionals and leaders with Christianvalues and positive attitudes to serve every corner of the globe.

    The College has a vision to contribute to society. Whether wecan succeed in serving the community in future hinges very much on thecontribution from every sector of society to make our dreams come true indelivering quality education much needed by individuals and society as a whole.


    To be a private independent Christian university that excels inliberal arts and professional education for developing servant leaders to servethe Chinese and global communities with competence and Christian love.


    To fulfill the above Vision, GCC sets out its Mission Statementsas follows:

    1.  To inspire students todevelop academically and spiritually, discover complementation between knowledgeand faith, think critically with clarity, act professionally with integrity,and work in teams effectively with humility.

    2.  To provideprofessional development and life-long learning programmes for staff inpartnership with educational, commercial, and religious organizations.

    3.  To engage the Churchin inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogues for developing Christian approachesto current and future issues facing the Chinese and global communities.

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